Assessment Engineering
Ludwig Engineering Associates, Inc. has helped form numerous special assessment districts and has performed the assessment engineering necessary to spread the cost equitably to the property owners according to the benefit received. Special assessment proceedings have been performed according to the procedures set forth in both the Improvement Act of 1911 and the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913. Both 1911 and 1915 Act Bonds have been utilized to finance the assessment projects. Ludwig also has experience in forming special improvement districts where general obligation bonds are sold to finance improvements. The firm has also handled projects which were financed by a combination of general obligation bonds and assessment bonds. Applications have been prepared and submitted for FmHA loans and grants on various projects.
Barstow Heights Community Services District A.D. 87-1, Barstow, CA
A.D. 87-1 in Barstow for Barstow Heights Community Services District was a 30-mile road design and paving project financed with 1913 Act Proceedings and 1915 Act Bonds.
Community Service Area 70, Zone L, Near Phelan, CA
Water project for A.D. 84-2, A.D. 84-4 and 84-6 for the County of San Bernardino Special Districts Department financed by 1913 Act Proceedings and 1915 Act Bonds.
Community Service Area 70, Zone W-1, Near Landers, CA
C.S.A. 70 Zone W-1 near Landers for County of San Bernardino Special Districts Department was a water project financed by 1913 Act Proceedings and 1915 Act Bonds.
County Service Area 70, Zone J, Near Oak Hills, CA
C.S.A. 70 Zone J, A.D. 84-2, A.D. 84-4 and A.D.87-2 near Oak Hills for the County of San Bernardino Special Districts Department was a water project financed by 1913 Act Proceedings and 1915 Act Bond.